Monday, October 22, 2007

OMG a Wii!!

I am so excited about the Wii I got this weekend. I played the sports games today for about 2 hours and couldn't put it down. So far my favorite game is the Tennis, though I felt very civilised playing the golf ; ).

The console allows you to create your own little avatar and one for as many friends as you like. Apparently during your gameplay if you create avatars for your friends they could pop in your game.

It also comes with a lot of little pieces like sensor bars and sensor bar mounts, cables wires and sticky adhesives. It's definitely not a console like the XBox that you can just throw down on the floor and not worry about it being kicked accidentally.

It also requires a lot of room for game play. In this age of 550 square foot condos, some will find it difficult to find a space in front of their TVs that they can swing their extended arms 360 degrees. When it's hooked up to the TV in my room I have to kneel on the bed to play, which is a bit of a pain, but leg movement isn't required so it works. I just have to move it or get used to sitting Japanese tea house style.

There are also a lot of warnings during gameplay like "make sure your wrist strap is secure" and "why don't you pause your game and go outside to play", which are fairly amusing especially the reason behind them.

I'm going to go get Zelda tomorrow. Can't wait to hack and slash!

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