Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
New Nerd Merit Badge Page
I'm having so much fun looking up girl and boy scout badges and applying them to amusing nerd activities and cliches, that I decided to put a few in the right margin here below the "About Me" and Blog Archive. I'm also working on a whole page of badges I've awarded myself and ones that would funny to award to others. Eventually it would be even cooler if I could put some reader submitted badges up.
Posted by
8:47 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
The Trials and Tribulations of the Modern Zombie
I was extremely amused by this article written by Joe Dodson on Gamespot. Not only that, but I wet myself when I read that the new Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles utilises the Wii Zapper. How awesome is that? I raved about that being a wicked plan at the beginning of the month. Perhaps if I'm gonna have a gaming blog I should keep myself better posted on new things arising in the gaming world...
Back to the article though, not only was it an entertaining read, but the user comments merit Nerd Badges like nothing I've ever seen. (K, well maybe it's not as bad as a star trek or star wars convention...) There are arguments on what constitutes as a zombie, followed by definitions of zombies, etc. It goes back and forth for 11 pages! One guy even pointed out ""lich, sorcerer or even human"????? a sorcerer IS a human, you dimwit.... " Duh! : ) hahaha NERD! I really have to find a badge that fits the "I correct people about the nature of fantastical creatures as if it were grammar" Badge.
Posted by
7:46 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Zelda for Wii, I'm a Bit Let Down...
I will rant about this in the Bane of the Game portion of my review when I'm done the game, so I won't go on for too long.
I am very disapointed with the controls and I'm sure that Nintendo put a lot of energy and money into creating them, but what were they thinking making them so close to just a regular hand held controller that I'm not sure the super awesome Wii sensor is necessary. Perhaps it's because Twilight Princess was originally a Game Cube game and there was too much effort required to add the controls. Perhaps they think games would want to move around very much. If it was the later, then they could have put something in the options menu to switch to the regular controls. For those of you who haven't played it yet, the swinging of the sword requires the most subtle of wrist wiggles. We all know that many of you are very good at wrist wiggling ; ) but I'm sure that unless it's a game with pretty ladies (or wooly sheep for some) you'd rather swing a sword than make that 'get the ketchup out the bottle' motion and I fully agree with you!
Posted by
6:33 AM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Oh Smeg! You're a big piece of Baktag!
Posted by
9:53 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
300 - 300 = who's the hero in this game?
I was watching the movie 300 for the hundredth time and the preview for the video game came on. It got the wheals turning in my brain and made me wonder: What the Frack is the point in playing a game where you know you're gonna be dead at the end?
Sorry for spoiling it if you haven't seen the movie yet, but Leonidas dies! They all die. So I would honestly have a problem playing a game in which I knew I would either die at the end or, more annoying, change history. It's like the South Park episode where, through the use of peppermint schnapps, Cartman tries to make the south win the the civil war re-enactment; It just wouldn't work.
Posted by
9:53 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Triumph The Insult Dog @ a Star Wars Movie Line Up
Probaly one of the funniest video's I've ever been emailed. The Lord of the Rings nerd is priceless and the Darth Vader 'which of these buttons calls your mother to pick you up' comment made me cry.
Star Wars - Triumph the insult comic Dog
Posted by
9:43 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
PSP, Oy! Oy!
I got my hands on a PSP and though I was dumbstruck with how much better than my Gameboy Advance the graphics on it are, there are a few things that don't quite work for me. Why, oh why did the y put the plug for the power source on the bottom? The stupid thing falls out at the most inopportune moments. And the left analog stick is nothing short of agonising after more than 1/2 hour of play. I can only give this device one thumb up cuz the other is too sore to move.
Posted by
9:53 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Wii Zapper: Not Another Duck Hunt!
K, I am going to have a moment and think outside the Wii white box. How far have we really come? Yah the graphics are a million times better, but isn’t the Wii really just a recycled idea from what Nintendo had way back in the 80’s when they came out with duck hunt? Is this Wii “Zapper” not just a glorified little orange handgun? These thoughts came to me while I was ogling the picture on gamespot and thinking to myself that it would be awesome if they re-released Duck Hunt. Then I snapped back to reality (oh here comes gravity) and realised I don’t need a new version of Duck Hunt; I still have the OLD one and the gun. Even though most of you aren’t as privileged as I to still possess your NES, I still think it’s time they came out with something outdoorsy that’s cooler than Bass Fishing. Perhaps they could make a recognisable replica of our great northern forests or preserve for all time our dying rainforests in the form of a realistically animated video game land. You could trek through the woods and learn tracking and survival skills. The sky’s the limit with today’s technology…
Posted by
11:42 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
A Small Package
Got my game, Drakan, in the mail today. Half of me is going 'WOOHOO, I love this game' and feeling almost like I got the She-ra DVD I ordered online eons ago and I'm remenising. The other half of me is saying "Oh Crap, it figures" cuz I stopped house sitting yesterday and don't have a ps2 now. (rabblerabblerabble) I know what I'm getting for x-mas : ) that and perhaps that singing game, so I can sing some rhianna and make a fool of myself, and God of War 2.
That She-Ra DVD would be nice too...
Posted by
9:18 PM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Wii Zapper

Back to the gun : ). So it will apparently be released with a demo game called Link’s Crossbow Practice on Nov 19th . (Crossbow my ass. Nintendo: always looking out for the youngsters’ sensibilities) Wonder how this will work and if I should wait to buy Resident Evil until after it’s released, or if the Wii system itself will have some kinda set up for it. How awesome would shooting some zombies be? If only I had a 50’ TV…
Posted by
2:23 PM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Zelda: TP
I’ve been wanting Zelda’s Twilight Princess forever. I have owned every Nintendo system just so I could play the series. I’ve still got everything from the Original NES to N64. (A little Who frame Roger Rabbit or Goldeneye, anyone?) I never got the Gamecube though, because I had a PS2 and XBox and they seemed to take up all my time. I would see the commercials for twilight princess and would get excited, but couldn’t justify buying a third system for just one game. Well now I have a Wii and can play all the NGC games on that and finally not only play Zelda: TP, but play it with the super awesome hack and slash Wii remotes. Now that I’ve recovered from my pathetic display of athletic Wii sports prowess (did you know the Wii fitness test told me I had a Wii age of 64?! How rude…) I’m ready to jump back on the wagon and cut up some baddies. I’ll let you know how it goes, if I’m physically capable once I put it down : )
Posted by
12:33 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Getting Side Tracked
So with all the Halloween festivities you'd think I would have found time for Silent Hill. We'll I haven't. I think maybe I need to start fresh and new. I um... "lost" my PS2 a couple years ago and haven't repalced it. I've been playing with my XBox & XBox 360 so I haven't had time to miss it. Though on a side note the PS3 with Heavenly Sword is lookin really good to me right now... but maybe I should invest in my Wii before getting that. Not enough time in a day for 3 first gen consoles. Focus, Enyo, Focus. We're getting ahead of ourselves...
Anyway, house sitting here with my friend I can play her PS2, so I decided to go online and order a couple of the games I used to have and can't find anywhere. One of the games I got was Drakan. This game Rocked. One of my favorite adventure games for playstation, in fact. I'll write something about it another day though. Back to needing some fresh Silent Hill meat. I also tried to order the Silent Hill they have available in the States for XBox, thinking it would be great to play at home by myself, but EB Games wouldn't let me order it. Something about it being unavailable for international shipping. What's up with that?
Posted by
11:26 PM