As a gamer who happens to be a girl, I wanted to create an arena were other people like myself could discuss, review, and critique games from a female perspective and perhaps contrast those with the views from gamers of the male persuasion.
This is the main page in which I index the games I play and review. Not all of them are brand new games (there are many sites out there talking about the latest).
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Game Reviews Index and Links:
Silent Hill 2 (PS2)
Great game of the Horror Genre
Crap-Your-Pants-Scary at times, but also occationally leaves you wondering what the script writers were thinking.
There are way more games than I first imagined for this console. Between Educational games like Brain Academy and Horrors like Resident Evil and being cheaper and more interactive than the other next gen. systems, this was definitly a good buy.
In brief all I have to say about Wii sports is: "OW!"
Good attention to detail, a lot of side missions. you're able to teleport so there isn't as much meaningless running around as there is in other games of the same genre. Not long enough though, and playing in a different mode doesn't deliver the newness promised.
Wonderfully interactive, very engaging, had trouble turning it off and thought about it a lot. Not a huge fan of the disproportionate Anime characters and some of the controls drive me loco
This guy's gotta be at least 18... wonder if he impresses other ladies with his uniform and the size of his boyscout merit badge sash, cuz it certainly has me excited.
I have a bit of a dual personality in terms of my interests... I love getting flowers, jewellery, any surprise period, really. Even a dandelion picked just for me warms my heart. Having doors opened or bags carried for me. Sad movies/tv shows/books make me cry. I love shoes and handbags, a great sale, pedicures, manicures, & getting my hair done in a fancy downtown salon. ___________________________________ On the flip side: I love toys & gadgets, ipods/ video games/ consoles/ accessories/ remote control crap… I’m not picky. Going outside and getting dirty is therapy to me. I can’t live without scary movies or loud music. The majority of my clothes are black, red or grey. I almost never wear pink. I love movies/vids or tv shows about girls who kick ass.
Awarded to individuals who have finally learned to wipe correctly, thereby not leaving stains in their drawers for mom to scrape off when she washes them.
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