Saturday, November 17, 2007

300 - 300 = who's the hero in this game?

I was watching the movie 300 for the hundredth time and the preview for the video game came on. It got the wheals turning in my brain and made me wonder: What the Frack is the point in playing a game where you know you're gonna be dead at the end?

Sorry for spoiling it if you haven't seen the movie yet, but Leonidas dies! They all die. So I would honestly have a problem playing a game in which I knew I would either die at the end or, more annoying, change history. It's like the South Park episode where, through the use of peppermint schnapps, Cartman tries to make the south win the the civil war re-enactment; It just wouldn't work.

1 comment:

Poker Strip said...

I apologise, I can help nothing. I think, you will find the correct decision.